Monday, September 21, 2009

And this life is a beautiful one

It is very strange to go from updating everyday to never updating.
These past few weeks have been crazy busy. I feel like I live in this whirl wind that if you blink you miss 50 things.

I got to go to Aubrun with what I am sure to be one of my only free weekends until November. It was great to see Shannon and to get out of Columbus for a little while.

I survived understudy run of God's Ear. And the comedic effect the show was given with Garrett and I jumping in and out of different characters I am sure was a much needed break from the depressing show that it normally is. With that being said we also opened and closed God's Ear. I almost had to go on but luckily I did not. The show seemed to be well received and effected some people much more than I thought it was going to. I guess that when you have seen the show a million times sometimes the effect gets lost on you. But I am glad that it made people think and even scared them to a point. Even though we don't always appreciate it when theatre does it to us I am glad that it is able to have that effect on people.

This semester has already seen so long and draining. I almost feel as if nothing more could happen, good or bad. But I know that is not true. Most of the time I don't want to think about any of it. I would just like to pretend that everything is sunshine and rainbows. But I can't help anyone and I can't help myself by thinking that way. Things just change so fast around here its almost hard to keep up with it all. I just remind myself. Trust who you know you can trust. Love who you can love. And put faith in yourself and God.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Union Jack

I have decided not to do GTC this year.
I was presented with two options.
1. Go to GTC, God willing go to SETC and once again God willing get summer work.
-This would mean being gone for the whole summer working at a theatre, like I have the past two summers only hopefully this time acting.
2. Go to England.
- Josh has asked me to go to England with him this summer for his grandpartent's 50th wedding anniversary.

For some reason this decision wasn't that hard for me to make. Almost from the moment that he asked I knew that I would go. But I did have to think about it. It is passing up an opportunity to act. But I feel like not going is also passing up a life experience. Besides Mexico I have never been out of the country, and lets face it I have always wanted to go to England.

I also feel like completely taking a summer away from theatre will be good for me. I just get so burnt out here with school that I don't want to lose a my passion with being so burnt out.

I'm still getting used to making decisions that will effect me in this much of the long term. Because I know that in saying I will go I am putting a lot of faith in trust in my relationship. Because obviously I will only get to go if we are still together 6months from now.

Deep breaths.