Saturday, August 21, 2010

Back to school

Well the semester has started back in full force!
All of the classes I am taking this semester require a lot of reading and papers. I told my mom that I am going to schedule a nervous breakdown in October. I know I will able to get it all done but I also know it is going to be a LOT of work.

Spelling Bee is still going well. Of course with the good comes the bad,but it will only make me work harder.

I tired on the wedding dress that my mom bought but never used to see if I liked the fit of the top so I could shorten it, but it didn't fit like I wanted it to so it looks like it is back to the drawing board for the reception dress. I also tried on the dress that my mom did use, it was beautiful but just not the dress for me, luckily my mom felt the same way :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

That Bee thing

It is day three of Spelling Bee and I am already so tired! But in a good way.
I feel like its rehearsals on crack, 5 hours a day doesn't seem like it would be that bad but it is a lot to take in a once.

We have been doing a lot of character work for this show, which is not something I am used to doing with musicals, but with Dur it's pretty much a must. I have really liked that time to play though! Since I am the understudy I don't get to work on the characters on stage but when we do character work I get to work out these three different girls life's for myself. I have tired to take time each day to work on each one of them, but most. Something happened yesterday when we where doing once exercise. Something that it took 4 semesters of failed Misner to happen. I started to cry. Just putting my character in a situation made me cry! It was a very freeing moment. I also crafted an entire world for one of my characters that I am really excited to play with.

Today I got to go on all day as Marcy, which was fun and stressful all at once. It was fun to be someone, but it made it much harder to remember blocking for everyone else that I have to keep tabs on, especially while we where blocking a song. Granted I'm pretty sure no one wrote down much blocking for that song, things kept changing! But I think I have it all straight for the most part.

I'm not going to lie, now that we have started rehearsals it makes me more then a little scared to start classes. I am so tired at the end of every day that I don't want to do much. Once I throw class work in there things should get very interesting. I'm going to be glued to my planner this year. I must keep everything organized or I will lose a lot of time! Oh boy got to love a challenge!

On a completely different note, I want to cut my hair really badly. I want to chop it all off! Not because of the heat, not because I am upset just because I want to. I know that I can't really justify it though and I can't really do anything to it until after the show or Kaylee's wedding anyways. Basically by then my hair is going to be stupid long, but maybe by then the feeling will change who knows.

270 days till graduation!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sleepless dreamer

Tonight marks night two that I have not been able to go to sleep at a normal hour. I finally fell asleep at 5 am yesterday and right now it is 3 am and there is no sleep in sight for me!

I'm sure it's just stress related due to school and looking for work and such, I just wish that it would pass soon so that I can get on a normal sleep cycle before school starts.

I made Josh walk around to a few different bridal stores today, I think he enjoys planning for the wedding more than we lets on. It's still really early so we didn't really look at much, just brides maids dresses and what colors we want. We decided on brown and green, technically clover and latte, earthy colors and a summer wedding for us! It's still strange to me, I a few years ago I would have never guessed that I would be thinking about colors and dresses for me, for my friends sure but for me not so much.

Spelling Bee starts Monday and I am really excited! I am excited to work with a new director and just see this show develop. I am a little less excited about classes starting back up. I'm ready to get back into the swing of things but my classes are scaring me already! But I will get through it and in 275 I will be a graduate of CSU!