Monday, July 6, 2009

Day Thirty-Six

So our internet was out last night so I will do yesterday's post today. :)

Teressa and I ended up going to Jackson Park to see the fire works on Saturday night. it was so much fun! We got there about an hour before they started so it wasn't too long to wait. Getting out of there was a bit crazy because of all the people but we made it. Once we finally did get out of there we realized that we would be getting back to the Rock right as the show was getting out which would be almost as crazy as leaving the fireworks so we got some food and went to Wal-Mart since I was going to do that Sunday anyways. I was actually social and went to a fire pit and hung out for a while when we got back. I think I like the smaller gatherings at the fire pit better.

When I got back inside I saw that I had an E-mail from my boss. I had messed up an e-mail, so I told him I would go into work on Sunday morning in fix it. It put me in a really bad mood because I keep messing up really stupid easy things at work and of course that is what he sees because he is not there when I am teaching and helping out with the kids. But I know that it will all work out and I will just have to be extra extra careful from here on out.

Besides going in to fix that e-mail I didn't do a whole lot yesterday. I ran for a mile after lunch and watched the first two episodes of Dead Like Me, which is a really funny show, before dinner. After dinner we watched the Family Stone, which basically Teressa and I spent the whole time talking about how we wanted a white Christmas and how it must be so awkward to send holidays with your boyfriend's parents. Then we made a CVS run to get Teressa some icy hot for her knee. We started to watch The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, because yes we are that cool. I didn't see much of the movie though because Josh called so I went and talked with him for a while. As I said we lost the internet last night so I tired to go to bed after I took a shower. But since it was only 11 I was A. Not tired and B. to anxious to sleep. So I watched part of He's Just Not That Into You and played solitaire until I was final tired enough to fall asleep.

So all around good weekend.

And I will do today's update tonight haha.

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