Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Last Fall Semester

Today I finished my last fall semester at CSU!

These last few weeks have been nothing short of crazy. First of all there was my Senior Acting Recital. It went better than I thought it ever could. Kate and Larry gave us high accolades after our final dress and that just put us all on a high. Different pieces felt stronger on different nights but over all I was just really proud of the work that we had all done on the show. Of course we all bawled the last night, it was a very bitter sweet ending.

There wasn't much time to ride the endorphins high however because it was now crunch time for finals. My final scene for directing also had to go up the day of my final dress for my acting recital. I had great actors and the best blocking I had, had for a scene yet. In the end I got an A on my analysis and scene and am very happy and proud about that. After a theatre history paper being written it was time to study study study. From the grades that have been posted it has been worth it. I got a C in Philosophy. Considering I thought I was going to get a D I was very happy. My theatre history final was this morning and I feel great about it :)

This time of the year also calls for hard goodbyes and Christmas parties. I had to say goodbye to one of my first friends here at CSU, it's going to be very strange to not have Liz around anymore but I'm so glad that she is getting out there and perusing her dreams. A few of my other friends also graduated this semester, it is going to be so weird for so many people I came in with to be going in January. I feel like almost every night for the past week I've been to one Christmas party or another. It has been a great way to unwind. Last night was a Wine and Cheese party with a bunch of Josh's English friends. It was so much fun to just sit around and talk to a bunch of new people and to get to know Josh's friends.

On Saturday my mom and Tori are coming to Columbus to see Oz and take me home on Sunday morning. I'm excited about coming home for a week and getting to see my old friends and possibly even start looking at wedding dresses. :)

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