Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day Eight

Once again today was pretty relaxing.

I was going to skip lunch but I woke up at 11 so I figured that I should go, I mean free food right? I should have skipped lunch. They served us grits. I hate grits. with a passion. So basically I ate some potatoes. And then drove to Jack In The Box to get some food. I was going to go hike to a water fall but I forget that you have to pay for parking so it ended up just being a nice little drive for me. Then I came back home and ran for about 30 minutes through the national park. The rest of the day was pretty much spent reading and hanging out with my roommates on our front porch. Its always nice when the night ends like that I think.

I have to be at work at 8:30 tomorrow morning... booo. But its ok, because we get kids tomorrow. I'm very excited and even more nervous about this very fact.

33 days
61 days.

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